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St Patrick's Primary School, Cullyhanna

April pics

29th Apr 2022

Look at my decorated stained glass window egg.
Look at my decorated stained glass window egg.
Look at the raw egg.
Look at the raw egg.
Here is the boiled egg.  It is different from the raw egg.
Here is the boiled egg. It is different from the raw egg.
We fried an egg and could see the yolk and the white.
We fried an egg and could see the yolk and the white.
We saw some hens in school. They laid three eggs.
We saw some hens in school. They laid three eggs.
Here are the hens.
Here are the hens.
Their feathers were fluffy.
Their feathers were fluffy.
Laoise painted her Easter egg.
Laoise painted her Easter egg.
We made a Spring Animal display.
We made a Spring Animal display.
We mixed red and white paint to make pink blossoms for our Cherry Tree paintings.
We mixed red and white paint to make pink blossoms for our Cherry Tree paintings.
We used pastels to sketch the Cherry Trees around our school.
We used pastels to sketch the Cherry Trees around our school.
We painted 10 Cherry Blossom trees.
We painted 10 Cherry Blossom trees.
The Cherry Blossom tree was in full bloom this week.
The Cherry Blossom tree was in full bloom this week.
Here are our pictures.
Here are our pictures.
We used mixed media such as paint, pastels, charcoal and collage to make some Cherry Blossom trees of our own this week.
We used mixed media such as paint, pastels, charcoal and collage to make some Cherry Blossom trees of our own this week.
We enjoyed painting the trees in Spring.
We enjoyed painting the trees in Spring.
We made some pictures of eggs with Aoife.
We made some pictures of eggs with Aoife.
We used our fingers to mix paint.
We used our fingers to mix paint.
Wow, look at our different trees.
Wow, look at our different trees.
We are great artists.
We are great artists.
We used pastels to draw trees.
We used pastels to draw trees.
The school Cherry Blossom is really big and tall.
The school Cherry Blossom is really big and tall.
Odhran takes a good look at the tree before he draws it.
Odhran takes a good look at the tree before he draws it.
We seem so small underneath the large tree.
We seem so small underneath the large tree.
We found some other Spring flowers around our school today.
We found some other Spring flowers around our school today.
We made Easter cards for our families.
We made Easter cards for our families.
Look at the school pond. There is frogspawn in it.
Look at the school pond. There is frogspawn in it.
We did lots of exercise in P.E this month.
We did lots of exercise in P.E this month.
Look at us doing our maths.
Look at us doing our maths.
We can count out sets of bricks to 10.
We can count out sets of bricks to 10.
Saorfhlaith stacked all the cubes from 1-10 today.
Saorfhlaith stacked all the cubes from 1-10 today.