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St Patrick's Primary School, Cullyhanna


2019/2020 School Year

25th Jun 2020
Wow!! What a phenomenal effort put in by EVERYONE in Primary 4 this week. ...
19th Jun 2020
Well done Séan, Katie and Megan this week! I bet Séan can skate...
19th Jun 2020
Well done to all our winners this week. This will be the last news post for Mathletics...
19th Jun 2020
So we are almost there & have come to our last 'Star Pupils' for this unusual...
19th Jun 2020
So we have reached the end of our Accelerated Reader for the year. This week we...
19th Jun 2020
With the end of this strange school year approaching, I want to thank all the boys...
18th Jun 2020
The last challenge of the year in P2 for making play dough and play dough sea animals...
18th Jun 2020
Emily Duncan has been super busy outside and has done really well with her schoolwork...
18th Jun 2020
Congratulations this week goes to Cillian, Senan and Niamh C (3 rd ) who reached...
18th Jun 2020
Good morning P6  Thank you so much for all the hard work and effort that...