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St Patrick's Primary School, Cullyhanna

January in Primary One.

30th Jan 2025

This month the children looked at different artists such as T.P Flannagan and Colin Middleton who have painted Winter Trees in different ways. The children used watercolors, charcoal and graphite pencils to draw their Winter trees. Our topic on Polar Animals was so exciting to learn about the Polar Bears at the North Pole and the 17 different kinds of penguins at/ near the South Pole.  We also had a professional artist visit the class and she taught the children to model clay penguins. As part of Catholic Schools week we visited the graveyard on ‘Grandparents Day’ and prayed at the graves of our loved ones. We enjoyed filling and emptying containers during our Capacity lessons and we dramatized St. Brigid building her church for her feast day in February.