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St Patrick's Primary School, Cullyhanna

June News in Primary 6

27th Jun 2024

A busy month in Primary 6 - inside and outside the classroom!  We enjoyed participating in Sports Day and our Gaelic and netball tournaments.  The excitement is building for next year when we will be the P7 captains.  Congratulations to our P6 footballers who recently won the Abbey CBGS Blitz.  They played well in all games but kept their best football skills for the final against Crossmaglen to bring home the cup. 

We enjoyed taking part in the Miceal Murphy Annual Quiz and were delighted that Ciarán Conlon, Frankie Connell and Connie McCreesh were part of the winning team.  We enjoyed the treats after provided by Friends of Cullyhanna school. 

In Accelerated Reader, Grace Murray became a Multi-Millionaire having read over two and half million words throughout Primary 6.  In Mathletics Francis McCreesh and Charlie McCreesh joined ‘The Legends.’   Congratulations to you all. 

Break the Rules Day was a huge success – we had unhealthy snacks, no spelling test and lots of extra play.  Vincie McCreesh set up his own tuck shop which went down a treat!  The perfect Friday!!

We enjoyed a trip to our local playpark to finish our P6 year.  Have a lovely summer everyone.  Enjoy the rest and stay safe.