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St Patrick's Primary School, Cullyhanna

Monday 11th May- Activities

11th May 2020

Hello everyone,

I hope that you all tried some of the activities last week. I know that for many of you having the resources to do some of them might be a problem but don't worry they are only suggestions- pick and choose the activities that you can do but do try to give some of them a go. If you haven't sent any pictures in yet- why not send me an email- it is lovely to see how everyone is getting on.

This week we would have been starting work on the following topics: Jungle/Zoo Animals. The children usually love this topic because they can let their imagination run wild!! We would introduce this to the children through stories, songs, rhymes and real life pictures of animals (all accesible on the internet).

• Pick some stories relating to Jungle/Zoo Animals. Read and discuss with your child. Don't be afraid to read the stories more than once- children love to hear the same story over and over- this way they can become familar with it and then they can join in. Some of our favourite stories in Nursery are: Rumble in the Jungle, Walking in the Jungle, Walking through the Jungle, We're going on a Bear Hunt, Doing the Animal Bop, Elmer, Dear Zoo, Class Two At The Zoo... the list is endless. Stories are a great way to get your child involved- if your ears can cope they can join in and make the animal noises or even act out how they move!!

• Look at real life pictures- name the animal, discuss what it looks like, where does it live, what does it eat, what is its baby called etc

• Encourage your child to paint or draw some of the animals- only after you have done the previous activity!!

• If you have any jungle animals,your child can use them to create their own jungle- outside in the soil, using sticks, stones, leaves etc or put some soil in a basin/tray and you can do the same inside.

• Jungle animals can be used for sorting, matching and counting!

• Why not make a den using blankets and chairs or you might have a tent- a pretend safari adventure!!

• Singe our rhymes and songs- if you have any musical instruments- tap or shake along!!

• Maybe some of you have some animal jig-saws, animal snap games or animal lotto games- if you do get them out and play them. Take turns and no cheating!!

• Using play dough to make animals- if you can- mine always fall apart!!

Number Activity

• See pictures on Number 1 and Number 2

• When counting 1 and 2 find lots of opportunities to ask the "How many?" question.

• Practise writing 1 and 2 using different mediums- in sand, using paint, chalk, pencils, markers etc. Watch and make sure the children are writing in the correct direction.

• Play the "I Spy Numbers" game e.g. I can see one red....? The Child has to guess what it is

Don't forget

  • to count, to name your shapes, to look at letters, to name your colours, to write your name (using the correct grip), to read stories, and to sing songs and rhymes every day.

That's all for this week. Have fun and stay safe.

Mrs Hollywood