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St Patrick's Primary School, Cullyhanna

P1 and P2 June News

27th Jun 2024

We have had such a busy month of June.  We had two sports days, the first sports day it started to rain and we went into the poly tunnel and sang lots of songs with Primary 2.  Our second sports Primary 6 children came out and helped us and we had a great day with a bouncy castle and a giant dart board included.  

We have also enjoyed “Break the school Rules day”, a trip to the park and we planted some seeds in the poly tunnel too.

We finished the year with a Teddy Bears Picnic in the hall as it was raining but that didn’t dampen our spirits as we had a mini disco which included Rock the boat! Don’t forget to watch our moves in the videos!

We hope everyone has a lovely summer and stay safe and we will see you all in September.