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St Patrick's Primary School, Cullyhanna

P3 Pupil of the week - 1st May 2020

1st May 2020

1st May 2020

P3 are working very well and using their talents in many different ways this week. It was a very special week for Lily Mae as she celebrated her 7th birthday and had her face painted. Christy was taking great care of his plants. Annie has been spending a lot of time outdoors, observing the fish, insects and plants, getting great exercise and flying her kite! She has been baking, doing her school work, reading and has been busy on Mathletics. Shannon has also been busy with her school work, painting and baking. I notice that she has also been kind and encouraging to her brother who wants to lend a helping hand. Eileen has been doing all her school work and wrote a lovely poem about her guinea pigs. Eva Marie and her family use their prayer area when praying for those who are suffering or affected by the corona virus.

As today is the 1st May, I would like to remind everyone that Fr. Tremer is leading the rosary each evening at 8.45pm throughout the month of May. We can join him through the St. Patrick’s Church live webcam.

Pupil of the week this week goes to Eileen McShane for her lovely poem and Shannon Quinn for her school work, baking and being kind.

Guinea Pigs Poem (1st May 2020) View download document