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St Patrick's Primary School, Cullyhanna

September in P7

26th Sep 2024
A fantastic first month in P7 comes to a close, with everyone settling in brilliantly and hitting the ground running! In numeracy, we tackled fractions; learning to add, subtract and simplify mixed fractions, amongst other tricky topics. During literacy, we examined a range of biographies and autobiographies, paying close attention to the differing language and styles of writing between the two, before writing our own autobiographies. We commenced our new WAU topic, ‘The Solar System’, with some fabulous work being produced. September also saw the P7s take their first steps into the world of coding! We began to code microbits to carry out a range of tasks, including being able to send messages from one device to another. We finished off the month with a printing and etching workshop in Bagenal’s Castle, where we explored the museum before making our own printing plates.