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St Patrick's Primary School, Cullyhanna

Our Aims

We, the Governors and staff of St Patrick’s, are committed to providing an educational experience rooted in Gospel values and our Catholic faith.

Specifically, our aims are:

  • Upholding the strong Catholic ethos of our community, fostering the moral and spiritual growth of all pupils.
  • Encouraging qualities of kindness, fairness, and respect in everyone.
  • Cultivating a sense of belonging and pride in our community and culture, while respecting the values of others.
  • Offering a broad and balanced curriculum that supports the academic, social, emotional, cultural, and physical development of our children.
  • Promoting a culture of high expectations, motivating children to achieve their potential and equipping them with the necessary tools.
  • Enhancing opportunities for children to develop skills in independence, empathy, teamwork, creativity, and leadership, preparing them to be valued future contributors to society.
  • Creating a joyful, inclusive, and caring environment where everyone feels valued and respected.
  • Building and maintaining constructive partnerships and communication between home and school.